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      In June 2011, the Hongda Party Committee established the first non-public enterprise foundation in Jiaxing, the “Caring Party Workers and Staff Foundation”. The purpose of the Foundation is to implement the scientific concept of development, deepen the implementation of the instructions of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee on the "three true (respect for the party members, true concern, sincere care)", and promote the activities of the group party committee "creating the first priority" Carry out and promote the construction of a harmonious society. The main source of the "Caring for Party Members and Staff Foundations" fund is the sponsorship of the company's subsidiaries and the donation of party members and employees. The income is mainly used for the contributory subsidies of party members and employees.

      At the end of 2017, the funds raised by the “Caring Party Member and Workers Foundation” amounted to 1.05 million yuan. As of the end of 2017, the total amount of condolences and subsidies for party members and employees was 850,000 yuan, and more than 500 party members and employees were benefited.

      It is the duty and glorious mission of our party organization and every member of the Communist Party to build a party's concern for caring atmosphere, promoting inner-party harmony, and further enhancing the cohesiveness and appeal of party organizations. It is also the unshirkable responsibility of HTC employees. A donation, a love, can reflect your understanding and support for the care and care work within the party, and allow more party members and employees to feel the care and warmth of the party.

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